My Marketing artwork at UIHC

I recently started a Marketing Assistant position at United Integrated HealthCare Center. I develop a click funnel to increase RSVPS to Stem Cell Lectures. I also assist plan and coordinate events and tabling in San Gabriel Valley. I have developed a couple of plans and print marketing.

Marketing Strategic Planlist of events - Made with PosterMyWall(1)Stem Cell Therapy San Marino12final review posterstem cell banner 1Display Banners made with PhotoshopStemcell banner

Over the past year, I have been designing short emails and texts before events to remind attendees of the time and place. A day after the event, I send another email with a Stem Cell Testimonial and remind them that we provide free consultations.

I also wrote information blog post on our services:

7 Effective ways to reduce Stress

“More than half of all American’s report being concerned about the level of stress in their everyday lives.” -Survey by the American Psychological Association

Every year we feel the stress of the holidays, family events and more where there seems to not be enough time. Stress refers to a number of biological changes that can be triggered by any disturbance to our normal psychology.

There are three stages of Stress:

  1. Alarm Stage- Emergency reaction of fight or flight. We may fight or run from this new stage or situation in our life.
  2. Resistance Stage- Coping and Adaptation. We feel the pain and sorrow. We know we are stressed out. We are trying to relieve our stress by coping and understanding the situation. At this stage, you may feel nausea or have poor sleep.
  3. Exhaustion- The Termination of stress response and onset of stress pathology. We  may get sick or skin irritation, this is your body telling you to slow down.

What are the Effects of Stress?

  • Triple the rate of Back Pain.
  • Double the rate of heart and cardiovascular problems
  • More than double the rate of anxiety and depression
  • Sleeping problems
  • Fatigue and Headaches

As we get more stressed, we may feel more symptoms building up. Our motivation to get up in the morning to workout and move will decrease.

7 simple ways to reduce stress are:

  1. Healthy Alignment – Good Posture. Take breaks while on the computer to stretch.
  2. Exercise- Take a creative walk during your lunch break. Get some Fresh Air and enjoy a workout of at least 30 minutes.
  3. Good Nutrition- Eat more fruits for healthy sugars, nuts, lean meat and greens. A light balanced meal will give you an energy boost rather than eating a pizza to fall into a food coma.
  4. Healthy Thinking- Watch Motivation videos. Tell yourself positive thoughts like you can do it or you are in it for the long run. Do not say negative things to yourself it will increase your stress and keep you in a bad mood. Use positive thoughts to boost your energy and relieve your stress.
  5. Healthy Habits- Develop a simple routine to make life easier. Set a schedule to eat all your meals, drink more water and consume less sugar and caffeine.
  6. Creating a Wellness Team- Be with people that make you happy. Find a safe place to share your concerns and fears. Talking helps you relieve your stress and pressure.
  7. Wellness Essentials- Using all the Above everyday will help you lead a less stressful life.

What is Functional Medicine and is it right for you?

Functional medicine a biology based approach is focused on researching and understanding the root cause or causes for a disease. Each treatment will be different based on the symptoms and diagnosis of an individual.

For example, depression can cause low thyroid, vitamin deficiency and prediabetes. So a group of diverse practitioners will come together to understand how to relieve all the causes naturally and holistically over a period of time.

The patient will go through medical examinations such as a thorough blood test, food allergy test and more. Medical Practitioners will study your family medical history, blood test and food allergy test  to develop a plan on the best organic treatment. More test may be required depending on disease or condition.

Patients receive more comprehensive test to find root causes. Functional medicine allows practitioners to use a low risk treatment to modify the molecular and cellular systems to reverse causes of disease. They develop a long term diet and health plan to increase your body’s energy to heal itself.

While painkillers are the easy way out, they do not treat the condition or relieve the pain long term. Functional Medicine find that root cause of why you need to take painkillers and what are the causes.

At United Integrated Healthcare Center, we work with chiropractors, a Medical doctor,  acupuncturists and a health coach to develop a more comprehensive plan to relieve the conditions.

We have helped patients with unbalanced Thyroid to control their diet with health coaching and acupuncture to allow the body to heal pain points naturally over a period of time. Patients were able to lose weight, increase energy and have a balanced thyroid.

We helped patients with knee injuries and arthritis use Stem Cell Therapy, acupuncture and a low inflammatory food diet to relieve the pain, decrease inflammation and increase mobility in the matter of 2 months. Patients were able to walk with little pain, no walking stick and walk straight throughout the day.

Sciatica is severe back pain caused by the sciatica nerve which immoblizes people for months. People are unable to sit, stand straight and walk. Sciatica can only be treated with physical therapy. We have helped patients relieve their sciatica pain with chiropractic therapy to release stress in the spine, acupuncture to increase endorphins in the lower back and health coaching to decrease inflammatory food and increase antioxidants and anti-inflammatory foods. After 1 month, patients were able to stand up straight, walk with little pain and even sit for a longer period of time with little pain.

All these conditions/diseases were relieved with Functional Medicine by understanding the root cause and using natural treatment to relieve pain.

If you have severe back or knee pain, contact us for a free consultation. Functional medicine may be the best treatment for you.

4 Natural Ways to relieve Arthritis pain

More than 78 million people are expected to have Arthritis by 2040. Over 26% women and over 18% men are diagnosed with Arthritis in the United States alone.

Arthritis can be a crippling health conditions that reduces your range of motion and increases the pain in your joints. Arthritis is the inflammation of a joint or joints. There are two types of Arthritis: Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid. Osteoarthritis  causes the cartilage on our joints to deteriorate. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that targets the lining of joints. The joints become swollen and inflamed causing pain.

The signs and symptoms for arthritis are: pain, stiffness, swelling, redness and decreased range of motion in the arthritis joint.

You can relieve your Arthritis pain in four natural ways:

1. Lose Weight. Losing weight will reduce the stress on your joints and decrease inflammation. To reduce inflammation you must consume more greens and fruits. Try to develop a more wholesome meal with a balance of protein, whole grains, greens and fruits. Reduce junk food, sugar and starchy foods like potatoes. This will help you lose weight, decrease cholesterol and blood sugar. Avoid all red meat. Instead consume more Omega-3’s like fish. Spice up your dish with turmeric, an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory spice. Turmeric has been proved to relieve symptoms of arthritis and depression.

2. Hot and Cold Therapy. Use RICE to rest, ice, compress and elevate your joints. Rest your joints, apply an ice bag to reduce swelling, compress with a compression bandage and keep your joint elevated. You can do all of this after work while watching TV or listening to music/podcast. For Hot treatment use an electric blanket or heating pad over your joints or warm bath to relieve the stiffness.

3. Acupuncture reduces arthritis pain by reducing inflammation and engaging endorphins to problem areas. Continuous Acupuncture therapy is needed for best results.

4. Stem Cell Therapy for the more severe pain. Stem Cell Therapy is a stem cell injection to relieve pain and restore function in the tissues surrounding the problem area. Stem Cell Therapy can regenerate your cartilage to increase mobility and relieve pain. Stem Cell Therapy is a much more natural and noninvasive approach than Knee Surgery.

With Weight loss, hot and cold therapy, acupuncture and Stem cell therapy, you can relieve your knee pain naturally for long term relief. Talk to our doctors today for a free consultation.





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